

索尔福德人行桥 设计竞赛作品赏

索尔福德(Meadows Salford)国际桥梁设计竞赛由RIBA皇家建筑师协会主办,该人行桥位于英国索尔福德市,在第一阶段的比赛中已经收到来自世界31个国家(包括China, Australia, Chile, and India等)的172件参赛作品,经由七名地方官员组成的评审委员会评审,已经选出四个方案进入短名单参与第二阶段的设计比赛(入围方案为Atelier Zündel Cristea, Paris;Mott MacDonald with Moxon Architects, Altrincham and London;Toby Savage Design Limited with Wolfgang Buttress Studio and LDA Design, Stockport和Tonkin Liu Limited with Arup, London)。

below – the entry by Tonkin Liu Limited with Arup

below – the entry by Atelier Zündel Cristea

below – the entry by Toby Savage Design Limited with Wolfgang Buttress Studio and LDA Design

below – the entry by  Mott MacDonald with Moxon Architects



这是奥地利建筑师Alex Daxb?ckChris Precht组建的penda工作室带来的圆环桥(The O)方案——从方案的名字你就可以知道该方案的 最大特色。和大多数斜拉桥所采用的垂直桥墩不同,该方案将由一个闭合的倾斜圆环起到桥墩的作用,而桥梁本身则从圆环中心穿过,横跨河的两岸。除了美观上的考量,这个圆环也有实际的作用——整个桥的主体结构为全钢材质,圆环上遍布的钢索,则起到传导的作用,将整个桥的重量传递到了河道高坡上的混凝土基础之上,从而减轻了桥给两岸造成的压力。


圆环桥(The O)方案非常吸引人们眼球,犹如一个舞者在那里翩翩起舞。它重新诠释了传统桥梁,其标志性的造型与当地的传统与优雅协调,十分得体地欢迎到访者,并根据来访者位置的移动发生着改变,完成了与人的交互。桥体一侧林着繁忙的道路,一侧联系美丽的草甸,人们从侧面看构架轻盈,逐渐转到正面,构架在视线中从线逐渐变成一个椭圆,最后再到气场十足的正圆,给人们留下了深刻的印象,完成振奋人心的过渡。从东西方向来看,该建筑几乎为二维结构;而南北方向则是立体又三维的结构。建筑采用桁架系统,木质的步道,流畅的扶手。人行道最终通向一个阶梯状的大草坪,可用于休闲活动或者露天影院。大桥的主要构建使用焊接钢管,利用日间悬索吸收的太阳能,为夜间的LED灯提供电力,确保夜间照明。




changing its appearance depending on the angle of approach, this proposal for the meadows salford bridge competition by designers alex daxb?ck and chris precht of penda features a strong elliptical shape. the project offers a dominant visual landmark that when viewed from its side looks like a regular suspended bridge, but as one gets closer the structure opens up to a rounded volume, engulfing pedestrians as they cross over to the meadows. the multifaceted object is in contrast to its surrounding harmonious green spaces. the crossing is presented as a disco-like object when viewed from the south and north, whereas from the western and eastern sides it looks slim and elegant, almost two-dimensional. constructed using a truss system that supports a wooden pathway with glazed semi-transparent handrails with both of its endings generously widened, inviting pedestrians on its platform. the walkway merges onto a terraced landscape, which can be used for lounging and as an open air theater. the main structural element is made using a welded steel tube that rests on two concrete bearings, supporting and carrying the weight at the same time. during the day the suspension cables reflect the sunlight, while the sun’s energy is stored in energy saving LED’s, allowing the bridge to glow during the night.




alluring pedestrians onto a new urban promenade, brazilian architecture firm JBMC have proposed a tube-shaped structure for the meadows salford bridge competition. the project combines both a functional crossing with an iconic landmark, from the chapel street corridor a triangular paved square frames its shiny opening. an outer copper skin resembles the hull of a ship as it gently curves along the river, helping to blur the boundary between the structure’s interior and exterior. the journey along the rotating form offers a series of changing views that gradually reveal the surrounding environment – the irwell river, the dense woodland and the meadows. to enhance this changing perspective the floor widens, reaching it widest point in the middle with 360 views over the landscape. this organic progression across the river helps to connect two distinct environments. upon reaching the other side, a smoothly sloping plateau drops towards the meadow – a welcoming introduction to the new landscape.


the structural design is based on traditional naval construction, it applies a longitudinal keel and transverse frames. the use of helical bracing, with two opposing helical halves provides a level of stability that follows the varying height. materials were chosen in regards to their simplicity, the use of prefabricated steel elements can easily be assembled on-site. locally sourced, reforested treated wooden planks are placed on the internal deck floor, these adjust to the natural curvature of the bridge. finally, the changing colors of the copper skin help to blend the urban surroundings with the green landscape.

STANDARD shared with us their design for the Salford Meadows Bridge Competition.
The new Salford Meadows Bridge forms a landmark node near the Crescent / Oldfield Road intersection; it synthesizes the existing improvements and brings the meadow to the city. The bridge is a timber-clad pathway wrapped in a lattice shell tunnel that varies in section, planted at the meadow side with Virginia Creeper. Over time, much of the bridge will become grown over, creating a dramatic transition from the Meadow to the city. Elongating and curving the bridge creates a definable place along the Crescent, and allows the bridge to meet the Meadow without mounding.
The lattice shell is a compelling visual sight from the intersection of Oldfield Road, and the structure literally envelops the passersby as they move along the pavement. The bus stop and Old Pint Pot stair entrance are integrated into the new Meadows bridge entrance. The existing pergola and bus shelter are replaced with a single element – a grand enclosure that invites discovery. The captivating structure is a key element of the Middlewood loop link.
The bridge bends toward the east, bringing the Crescent landing closer to the pedestrian crossing at Oldfield Road, and pulling pedestrian traffic into the Meadow. The distinct paving pattern at the intersection continues to the mouth of the new bridge.
The timber-clad walking path ‘floats’ within the lattice tunnel, making the walk through the bridge a spatial experience. The voluminous passageway varies in diameter, creating a variety of experience through movement. Vines growing on the shell change color with the seasons, adding another dimension to the walk.
The curved bridge gently slopes from the Crescent to the Meadow at a DDA compliant incline. Elongating and curving the bridge preserves the topography of the Meadow with an at-grade landing. The lower mouth of the bridge peeks through the trees bordering the Meadow, burrow-like, a modest but identifiable presence at the meadow’s edge.


courtesy STANDARD
+ About Standard:
Standard(www.standardarchitecture.com) is the Los Angeles based architecture and design partnership of architects Jeffrey Allsbrook and Silvia Kuhle. Building on the partners’ international experience in a wide variety of project types, Standard is developing a large body of contemporary and diverse work. Completed projects include residential, retail, educational, cultural, office and manufacturing spaces for a diverse clientele of artists, writers, filmmakers, clothing designers, educators and entrepreneurs in California, New York, Las Vegas, Paris and Antwerp. While Standard continues to grow, its partners insist upon maintaining a practice that is rigorous and attentive. Direct accessibility and sustained dialogue between clients and the firm’s partners and architects are viewed as essential to project success.

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