漫步在长达2公里的纽约哈得逊河人行高架桥(Walkway over the Hudson)上,四周的水面、树梢和天空组成一幅幅绝妙的风景,她是那么令人愉悦。在这里,你几乎可以忘记我们生活在这样一个专为汽车设计的世界里,这里不再属于那些以每小时70英里速度咆哮的汽车,而仅仅专属于行人。其实,人行天桥的概念并不新鲜。例如意大利威尼斯的里亚尔托桥(上图)历史可以追溯到1588年,甚至美国纽约的布鲁克林大桥(下图)的建筑师也在行车道旁边专门为行人设置了人行道。最近,我们发现这样一个概念重新引起了人们的关注,即行人是足够重要的,我们应该为他们提供一些更方便、更壮观的工程设施。——本文编译自Travel + Leisure的《世界最酷的人行天桥World’s Coolest Pedestrian Bridges 》,相关图片和中文介绍均由路人重新整理编发。
Stroll the 1.3-mile Hudson River Walkway in Poughkeepsie, NY – taking in the exhilarating view of water, treetops, and sky – and you could almost forget that we live in a world designed for the automobile. Here, the environment belongs not to those who roar by at 70 mph, but to pedestrians.
The concept of pedestrian bridges isn’t new. Venice’s Rialto Bridge dates back to 1588, and even the Brooklyn Bridge architects made room for walkways alongside the car lanes. But just recently, since around the turn of the millennium, we’ve rediscovered the notion that regular people are important enough to deserve some spectacular feats of engineering.
最近新建或翻新的人行天桥出现了许多新颖型式,其中有些型式仅仅为了刺激观光者(例如:乘坐一辆缆车登上苍翠繁茂的马来西亚山上仅仅为了看看一座位于曼海上方2300英尺高的天桥)。This latest generation of newly constructed or retrofitted pedestrian bridges takes a number of forms. Some exist primarily to thrill tourists (a harrowing cable car ride up a lush Malaysian mountain is in order just to get to the aptly named Langkawi Sky Bridge, which dangles 2,300 feet above the dazzling Andaman Sea).
其他人行天桥提高了从A点到B点的日常业务。从布宜诺斯艾利斯到毕尔巴鄂,由于西班牙建筑师圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦那充满戏剧性、富于雕塑感的人行天桥,人们的日常差事顿时充满了庄严感。Other pedestrian bridges elevate the everyday business of getting from point A to point B. From Buenos Aires to Bilbao, routine errands are imbued with grandeur thanks to Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava‘s dramatically sculptural footbridges.
人行天桥最成功的奇观让一条没有人能感到需要的小路重新焕发异彩。新建鲍勃克里桥连接了内布拉斯加州的奥马哈市和爱荷华州的康瑟尔布拉夫斯市,这座人行桥不仅吸引了游客,而且改变了当地人的生活。面向人们的步速人行桥鼓励发展的新模式,尤其是在附近的江边。The most successful fall somewhere between spectacle and conduit because they blaze a path where no one felt the need for one before. The newly built Bob Kerrey Bridge linking Omaha, Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa, surely attracts tourists, but it has also changed life for the locals. Footbridges encourage new patterns of development geared toward human-powered pace, especially along the nearby waterfronts.
那是发生在纽约北部的一个案例,在17年的基层民众的不断努力下,作为跨越哈德逊河的工业铁路大桥现在正取得的回报。自从2009年10月开放以来,人行道已经促进了附近的复兴并且吸引了超过75万的游客,这是预期数量的三倍。That’s been the case in upstate New York, where a 17-year grassroots effort to repurpose an industrial railroad bridge as the Hudson River Walkway is now reaping rewards. Since its October 2009 opening, the walkway has spurred a neighborhood revival and attracted more than 750,000 tourists – three times the expected amount.
当然,这些人行天桥以极好的景色和创新的特色给人们留下了深刻印象。但最重要的是,他们回馈我们的就是旅行,无论是我们用肌肉力量步行还是骑自行车。Sure, these pedestrian bridges make a big impression with sweeping views and innovative features like solar-powered LED lighting or the ability to levitate and roll upwards into a wheel. But above all, they reward us for traveling, whether on foot or two wheels, with our own muscle power.
01加拿大温哥华卡皮拉诺吊桥 Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver
卡皮拉诺吊桥全长137米,始建于1889年,当时来自苏格兰的工程师兼地产商麦凯(george grant mackay)购置了北温卡皮拉诺河两岸的六千亩土地,并在当地原住民的帮助下,以2条粗麻绳和香板木悬挂在近70米的卡皮拉诺河(Capliano River)河谷湍急的水面上。因为吊桥当风掠过山谷时会摇摆发声,颇似人的笑声,被称为“笑桥”。1903年麻绞索被替换成钢索,1914年加入混凝土巩固两端。1935年在吊桥附近设置了代表原住民文化的图腾柱。1956年,新一任业主rae mitchell再次对吊桥进行了重建,形成了今天的模样。吊桥两边是满山遍野高大笔直的松树和杉树,桥下是卡皮拉诺河。
Come face-to-face with wildlife in Vancouver’s lush treetop ecosystem while strolling this skinny 450-foot-long canopy bridge that floats 230 feet above the Capilano River. Just 10 miles from downtown, the bridge dates back to 1889, when a Scottish civil engineer strung a hemp rope and cedar plank to his isolated cabin.
A Growing Trend: The Capilano forest also features a new 650-foot-long network of bridges and viewing platforms connecting several of the towering Douglas fir trees. And the concept has taken hold — canopy walks have lately been built in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest and Borneo’s Danum Valley.
02美国鲍勃·克里人行桥 Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge, Omaha
The first pedestrian bridge to link two states extends for 3,000 feet over the bucolic Missouri and traces a gentle S-curve around its two supporting towers — a plaque marks the spot where you can have one foot in Nebraska and the other in Iowa. Opened in 2008 and illuminated at night, the bridge has become a teen hangout and has energized the waterfronts of two cities that haven’t always been so hospitable to pedestrians.
On the Waterfront: On the Omaha side, the bridge syncs up with a riverfront trail, part of a 1990s redevelopment.
03美国芝加哥BP桥 BP Bridge, Millenium Park, Chicago
Get an overview of Chicago’s most impressive architecture, not to mention Lake Michigan, when visitors set out from the brushed-steel Jay Pritzker Pavilion and amble along Frank Gehry’s 925-foot-long bridge above Columbus Drive.
Clad in shiny lizard-skin-patterned steel and paid for by its oil-company namesake, the overpass’s only shortcoming is that it doesn’t make it all the way to the water’s edge — you’re left to fend for yourself on traffic-filled Lakeshore Drive.
Companion Bridge: An ultra-skinny minimalist footbridge, designed by Renzo Piano, leads from Millennium Park to the architect’s new wing of the Art Institute of Chicago.
04新加坡亨德森波浪桥 Henderson Waves Bridge, Singapore
Anyone can see why Singapore is nicknamed the Garden City. Crossing from one hilltop park to another, 118 feet above busy Henderson Road, its highest pedestrian bridge overlooks treetops, flowering bushes, the harbor, and the skyline. Cooler still is this bridge’s resemblance to a Slinky toy. A sculptural wave of steel ribs follows the walkway, periodically curling up and over the edge to create little coves of sheltered seating.
Flora and Fauna: Singapore’s Southern Ridges area is also home to the Canopy Bridge, where visitors will find wild orchids, pitcher plants, and tons of birds.
05英国无限桥 Infinity Bridge, Stockton on Tees, England
无限大桥给我的第一印象是“轻巧”和“浪漫”。因为她是人行桥,无需承载很大的荷载,所以钢拱肋能够设计得如此“轻巧”。她又是“浪漫”的,行云流水般的一条弯拱,在中间一分为二,好似少女飘逸的长发,将力与美表现得淋漓尽致。作为英国North Shore复兴计划的一部分,Stockton-on-Tees修建的这座步行桥连接了Tees河的南北岸,并为该地区提供了更好的商业和通勤路径。由Expedition工程公司设计的这座桥梁像一座细长的弓弦,在Tee河宁静的水面上投下独特的倒影。230米长的混凝土桥面以一对对称的钢质拱架支撑,形成像卵石撇过水面一样的弧线。Speirs and Major事务所设计了桥梁的照明,使得两个拱形结构反射在水面上,构成一个标志性的图案。蓝色灯光照射在水上,反射出桥腹,形成一个蓝色区域。冷色调的白色灯光勾勒出结构外形,似乎漂浮在桥面上。桥上的灯光会感应到行人,指引他们前进。白色和蓝色的LED灯管藏在栏杆下,传感器在感知到人靠近后,会让蓝光变成白光,就像彗星的光芒闪烁。这一灯光设计在别的桥梁是看不到的。本项目曾荣获2010年第27届国际照明设计师协会的杰出奖。
Opened in 2009, this long bowstring bridge is named for the infinity symbol formed by its dramatic double curve and reflection in the River Tees. The main arch is almost 400 feet tall and the span is nearly 900 feet, creating a flamboyant wave. Special nighttime lighting enhances the infinity effect, and LEDs built into the handrails and footpath are programmed to change color as pedestrians and bicyclists pass by.
Be Transported: Another landmark Tees crossing, the Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge, completed in 1911, carries cars and pedestrians across the river in a suspended gondola, 90 seconds each way.
06马来西亚兰卡威天空之桥 Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
More like an observation deck, this bridge to nowhere dangles spectacularly about 2,300 feet above sea level in Langkawi, an archipelago on Malaysia’s west coast. It’s reached by a harrowing cable car ride up Mount Mat Cincang, and the bridge’s gently curving promenade provides tourists with dazzling views of the Andaman Sea far below. Every posted description of the bridge includes the not-entirely-reassuring phrase: “Langkawi sky-bridge is safe.”
Spine Tingling: The view is impressive and so is the engineering: the bridge is suspended from a single mast that sticks up from the mountain below like a construction crane.
07阿根廷的女人桥 Puente del Mujer, Buenos Aires
阿根廷女人桥,是一个强调其华贵、美丽和利用海上交通的杰作,仅供行人使用。它坐落在波多黎各马德罗港码头,西班牙设计师santiago calatravo以阿根廷探戈造型创意而设计,她通体雪白,婀娜多姿。桥长170米,宽6.20米,不仅可供游人在桥上自由通过,还可以旋转打开让过往的船只穿行。该桥荣获2008FIABCI优秀奖。参见博文《[组图] 桥梁诗人Santiago Calatrava作品欣赏-1(25P)》
Architect Santiago Calatrava‘s “Woman’s Bridge” on the Rio de la Plata is female by association; the surrounding streets are named for noteworthy women such as human rights activist Alicia Moreau de Justo. The bridge faces a new crop of trendy hotels, restaurants, and condos in Puerto Madero — and can take some credit for inspiring the neighborhood’s redevelopment.
Fancy Footwork: With a single mast pointing skyward at a 45-degree angle, the bridge sometimes gets compared to a couple doing the tango. We don’t quite see it, but in Buenos Aires, tango dancers are never far away, especially on the streets of San Telmo.
08英国伦敦滚动桥 Rolling Bridge, London
2004年,英国Heatherwick Studio设计公司为伦敦大运河的一个河道设计了这座39英尺高的木与钢相结合的滚动桥。滚动桥侧面扶手的水压系统可以牵引它收缩、卷曲成一个八角形,这种可缩回设计保证了船只通过河道时不受阻碍。这座桥每周五中午都会“收”起来。已经有40年桥梁设计经验的建筑师唐纳·麦克唐纳告诉我们记者:“这座桥展示了一种实验性的概念,完成这个概念以及这座桥真的很复杂。”参见博文《[组图] 异想天开 看全球18大怪异桥梁(19P) 》和《[组图] 功能形式巧统一 创意酷炫螺旋桥(13P) 》
The payoff for pedestrians is usually the view from on high, but here the bridge itself is the sight to see. Each Friday at noon, genius architect Thomas Heatherwick’s Rolling Bridge allows a single boat to pass in or out of its moorage.
You’ll be transfixed as the bridge, powered by hydraulic rams, levitates upward as a unit, and then curls backward, allowing its eight triangular hinged sections to roll into a wheel.
Neighborhood Facelift: The Rolling Bridge is one small element in a major redevelopment of the area around London’s Paddington Station. Other novel canal crossings include the Helix Bridge, which screws and unscrews to allow boats to pass.
09美国哈德逊跨河步道 Walkway over the Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York
这条世界最长的步行桥原本是一条长约2公里、跨越哈德逊河的「波基普西高原铁路桥」(Poughkeepsie-Highland Railroad Bridge),1889年开通行驶85年后在1974年荒废。35年后,因周边地区于2009年重建为「哈德逊高架步道州立历史公园」(Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park),废弃的铁路桥得以浴火重生,变成了一条跨哈德逊河的人行步道。一个不算小事的事情是,这座号称世界最长的人行桥全长2063米,但始建于南宋绍兴八年(1138)的福建安平桥全长达2255米!
It feels like walking in the sky. This former railroad bridge is suspended 220 feet above a wide, unusually straight stretch of the Hudson that Dutch seafarers once called “Lange Rack” or Long Reach. That means you can see up and down the river for miles — without any overhead structure to obscure the view.
Conflicting Claims: The official website states that, at 6,767 feet long, it’s the world’s longest pedestrian bridge. One not-so-small problem: the Anping Bridge in Fujian China, a stone pedestrian bridge dating from the 12th century, is 526 feet longer.
10澳大利亚Kurilpa桥 Kurilpa Bridge, Brisbane, Australia
库利尔帕桥长470米、宽6.5米,是目前世界上最大的太阳能人行天桥,建造成本高达六千三百万澳元,将布里斯班商业中心与邻近艺术中心连接在一起。库利尔帕桥建成于2009年,跨布里斯班河,与常规桥梁不同,库利尔帕桥凭借由表面不规则岩石和流线造就的雕刻般的形状,引起了大众的讨论。然而建筑师考克斯雷纳和工程师奥普鲁认为,该桥承载的不仅仅是独特的外形,还有深厚的文化底蕴。参见博文《[原创] 南岸公园世博情深 布里斯班怪事迭出(15P)》
Masts attached to cables jut out from this bridge in all directions — as if trying to distract your attention from the impressive cluster of skyscrapers lining the Brisbane River. Powered by 84 solar panels, Kurilpa looks its finest when the LED lighting system puts on dazzling shows.
Push and Pull: It may appear to be a crazy jumble, but the positions and the strength of the mast connections are the product of sophisticated calculation; this is the first major bridge built according to the principles of tensegrity.